Compliance forms
Includes change of contact, narrative conditions, effluent data submittal, influent data submittal, modification, transfer of permit.
Annual report forms
Guidance documents
- NPDES Permit COR900000:
- Utility Vault Dewatering Discharge Guidance: This document is currently being updated to reflect the changes in the recently issued dewatering permits.
Stormwater management plan guidance
- Non-Extractive Industrial Activities Stormwater Management Plan guidance.
- Sand and Gravel Industrial Activities Stormwater Management Plan guidance.
- Metal Mining Industrial Activities Stormwater Management Plan guidance.
Sampling guidance
YouTube video instructions on gathering stormwater samples, produced by Minnesota Pollution Control Agency:
- How to collect an industrial stormwater GRAB sample(4:13 minutes).
- How to collect an industrial stormwater sheet flow sample(5:47 minutes).
- How to identify and confirm benchmark monitoring locations(8:20 minutes).
Discharge without a permit - policies and guidance documents
- Low-Risk Discharges, Water Quality Policy 27.
- Snow melting guidance.
- Swimming pools low-risk guidance.
- Hot springs guidance on discharge coverage.
- Hot Springs low-risk guidance.
- Discharge of potable water guidance.
- Discharge of uncontaminated groundwater to land guidance.
- Discharges of surface cosmetic power washing operations to land guidance.