Water quality: Construction permits

Construction compliance assistance and guidance

HB12-1119, compliance forms, assistance and guidance documents, spill reporting, operator certification

401 certification

Certification information and resources

Construction permitting

Includes permit documents and applications for storm water discharge associated with construction activities, R-Factor waiver for storm water discharges associated with construction activities, and hydrostatic testing.

Dewatering General Permit Program

Includes permit documents and applications for construction dewatering, remediation, subterranean (foundation) dewatering, and well development and pumping test activities

Other forms and applications

Application supplement, modification/application, transfer application, withdrawal request, amendment to remove portion of permitted area, amendment to remove wells from oil and gas field

Storm water external resources

EPA storm water home page.

EPA Phase II fact sheet.

International Stormwater BMP Database -  The database of monitoring results showing the effectiveness of structural and non-structural BMPs.


General questions

Regarding applications, billing or other forms please contact permits support staff:


During hours 8-5 enter 0 to get transferred to a live support person.

During other hours, please leave a message.

Construction Stormwater Permitting (COR0400000)

Contact permits support staff for questions about applications, billing, or other forms.


R-Waiver contact

Debbie Jessop

