Water Quality - Permit Forms

Instead of mailing the form with a wet signature, you may email a digitally signed form to cdphe.wqrecordscenter@state.co.us.
Do not follow up with a mailed-in hard copy. The directions for electronic signatures can be found at this FAQ at question 41.

Note: The forms provided on this page do not apply to the following permits (with the exception of permit-required narrative conditions report form):

  • COG070000 - Construction Dewatering
  • COG080000 - Short-Term Construction Dewatering
  • COG315000 - Remediation Activities Discharging To Surface Water
  • COG316000 - Remediation Activities Discharging To Groundwater
  • COG317000 - Short-Term Remediation Activities
  • COG318000 - Long-Term Remediation Activities
  • COG603000 - Subterranean Dewatering and Well Development
  • COG608000 - Well Development Discharges to Surface Water
  • COR400000 – Construction Stormwater

For these permits, please visit the Dewatering General Permit Program and Construction Stormwater webpages for instructions on using the division’s online portal CEOS. Note that all applicable forms for these permits (except for the narrative conditions report form) are provided in, and must be submitted through, CEOS. (Forms required under these permits will be processed by the division only when submitted through CEOS.)

Application Supplement Form
To supplement any application that has been submitted with additional pertinent information.
Annual Report Forms
Bio solids, reclaimed water(reuse), stormwater industrial permits, municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4), pesticides, and sewage systems discharging to groundwater.
Change of Contact Form
To change all permit contact types, including legal contact, facility contact, certified operators, billing contact, etc. This form is not to be used to change the company name.
Clean water forms, applications and publications
Effluent Data Submittal Form
To submit effluent data for all permit applications requiring data submittal.
Modification Applications
​To request a modification of a permit or certification. 
  • If you are modifying a construction stormwater (COR400000) or construction dewatering (COG070000, COG315000 or COG316000) permit then you must do so through CEOS.
Request for chemical evaluation

Used by the division to determine whether a permit modification is needed when a permittee seeks to use different chemicals from those listed in its permit or fact sheet. More information about chemical evaluations can be found in this powerpoint.

Narrative conditions report form​
To submit all reports for mixing zone studies, compliance schedules, sediment control plans, special studies, etc. (*Note that narrative conditions report forms cannot be submitted through CEOS and must be mailed or emailed with any associated attachments to the division.)
Termination of CEOS Permits

If you are terminating a construction stormwater (COR400000) or construction dewatering (COG080000, COG317000 or COG318000) permit then you must do so through CEOS.

Termination Application for All non-CEOS Permits
This is the form required when terminating a wastewater discharge permit that is not dewatering or construction stormwater.
Reclaimed Water Termination Application

      This is a supplemental form required when terminating a discharge permit using the discharge as reclaimed water.

Transfer Application
​To transfer the entire permit to a second party or to change the name of the company even if the people remain the same.
  • If you are transferring a construction stormwater (COR400000) or construction dewatering (COG080000, COG317000 or COG318000) permit then you must do so through CEOS.
Withdrawal Application
To withdraw a previously submitted application for new/renewal, modifications, or termination. (To terminate a permit use the Termination Application.)