Radioactive materials reciprocity

Reciprocity notification form

Information on applying for reciprocity

You may also obtain a copy of the form by contacting:
Kathryn Kirk
  • If you're a licensed or registered radioactive materials or machine user in another state, you may request reciprocity to work in Colorado temporarily under that license or registration.
  • Written notice and payment of the reciprocity fee must be provided to us at least three calendar days before the material is to be brought into the state, and you must receive approval from us before it enters the state.
  • A current copy of your radioactive materials license must be on file with us.
While in Colorado, you must have in your possession:
Under the Rules and Regulations Pertaining to Radiation Control,, we'll charge an annual management fee for people operating in the state under reciprocity. The fee for radioactive material brought into the state under reciprocity is equal to 75 percent of the appropriate annual fee in Appendix 12A of the regulations.