Hazardous materials and waste management public notices



None at this time.



Solid Waste Management and Recycling

Notice of opportunity to comment on McDonald Farms Enterprises, Inc. Engineering design and operations plan non-hazardous organics recycling and liquid waste processing facility

The McDonald Farms Enterprises Facility (McDonald Farms) is a solid waste processing facility in Frederick, Colorado. To align with current requirements, CDPHE requested that McDonald Farms submit a certificate of designation application to the Town of Frederick. The facility will remain operating during the certificate of designation process.

The division is reviewing the certificate of designation application for technical merit and regulatory compliance. We will provide our recommendation to the Town of Frederick, who will approve or deny the application. We will consider public comments before making a final decision on the certificate of designation. Following the public comment period, we will issue a final decision.

Public comments:
Please submit written comments by July 20, 2024, to:
Jerry Henderson, Environmental Protection Specialist

Notice of opportunity to comment on proposed regulations: Section 19 Administration of the Closed Landfill Remediation Grant Program.