COR900000 - Industrial Stormwater General Permit for Non-Extractive Industries

water running into a stormwater drain on the side of the road with leaves stuck at the entrance

On January 31, 2024, the division issued Modification 1 to General Permit COR900000, the Industrial Stormwater General Permit for Non-Extractive Industries, along with an accompanying fact sheet. The modified permit had an effective date of July 1, 2024 and the final modification was issued on May 31, 2024.

On February 29, 2024, the division withdrew Modification 1 prior to its effective date as it determined that some additional corrections and clarifications were appropriate. A new draft modification with additional changes was released for public notice on March 14, 2024. No other action is needed by permittees at this time in response to this change.


Permit background

To protect Colorado waters from pollutants in stormwater runoff, the division requires operators of certain industrial facilities to obtain permit coverage for actual or potential stormwater discharges. The COR900000 permit requires facilities to:

  • Implement a stormwater management plan
  • Implement specific stormwater control measures (i.e., best management practices)
  • Perform inspections
  • Monitor pollutants in their discharge
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of the stormwater management plan and control measures

On April 28, 2023, the division reissued the Industrial Stormwater General Permit for Non-Extractive Industries (COR900000). The division held a stakeholder meeting on May 22, 2023, to inform stakeholders of the new permit. Meeting materials are available in this public folder.

The previous permit issued in 2012 remains in effect until June 30, 2024, after which the reissued permit will replace it. Current COR900000 permittees do not need to reapply at this time. The division will use information from previous applications to develop certifications under the new permit and contact permittees directly if additional information is needed.

​No exposure exclusion from CDPS stormwater permitting


"No Exposure" is an alternative to obtaining coverage under the COR900000 permit. In this context, "No Exposure" means that storm-resistant sheltering is in place to prevent exposure to rain, snow, snowmelt, or runoff. To be eligible for this exclusion, you must apply for and obtain division approval by issuing a certification. Part G of the application contains a self-certifying checklist for you to assess whether your facility meets conditions of "No Exposure."

How to get involved



The renewal of the COR9000000 general permit to discharge stormwater associated with non-extractive industrial activity is in progress.

Sign up to receive notifications about this effort, and scroll down to select “Permits - Industrial.”



All meeting materials are available upon request. Please contact Mary Welch at mary.welch@state.co.us


For information related to the COR900000 permit renewal process or questions, contact: