Primary care providers working in designated health professional shortage areas can receive funding to repay qualifying educational loans. Participants must see underserved patients at an approved clinical site for the entire service obligation.
Colorado Health Service Corps
The Colorado Health Service Corps provides information about eligibility, applications, reporting, and approved sites for health care providers and organizations.
Nurse Faculty loan repayment program
The Nurse Faculty loan repayment program provides information about eligibility, applications for nurse educators, and nurse education programs.
National Health Service Corps
The National Health Service Corps provides information for federal loan repayment and scholarship programs.
Rural Essential Access Provider (REAP) loan repayment program
- The Rural Essential Access Provider (REAP) loan repayment program provides information about eligibility, applications, and approved sites for health care providers and organizations.
Scholarship Program for Addiction Counselors
- The Scholarship Program for Addiction Counselors provides information about eligibility, application, and approved sites for addiction counselor scholarships.
State dental loan repayment program
- The State dental loan repayment program provides information about eligibility and awards for certain oral health providers in Colorado.