Generator Assistance Program

Schedule a visit

Customer technical assistance line (8 a.m.-noon Monday - Friday, excluding state holidays):
1-888-569-1831, ext. 3320

Under this program designed for very small-quantity generators and small-quantity generators of hazardous waste, we will conduct a free site visit to help your organization get and stay in compliance with Colorado's hazardous waste requirements.

We help you

  • Understand and implement the hazardous waste regulations by giving you information directly applicable to your operations.
  • Develop tools that make hazardous waste compliance easier for you.
  • Learn how to prevent pollution, minimize waste and possibly save money.

What to expect from a site visit

  • The visit will take between one and four hours as we walk through your facility with you, touring your production processes and waste generation areas, and viewing your hazardous waste management and storage practices. The more we see, the more help we can give you.
  • We’ll explain your options for getting into compliance and work with you on a schedule for correcting things you aren't doing right. We’ll also tell you how you can prevent pollution and minimize waste.
  • If we see small things that you aren't doing right during the visit, we won't start an enforcement action unless your facility is causing imminent and substantial danger to public health or the environment through mismanagement of hazardous wastes. The visit is intended to give you information and tools to help you comply.

Prepare for your visit

  • Make a list of all your waste streams and be prepared to talk about how that waste is generated at your facility. 


Customer technical assistance

Customer technical assistance line (8 a.m.-noon Monday - Friday, excluding state holidays):
1-888-569-1831, ext. 3320