
Having a healthy pregnancy is important for your health, as well as the health of your baby now and in the future. Take steps during your pregnancy to make sure your baby is born at a healthy weight and on time, and that your baby’s development is off to a good start.

Your health during pregnancy

Resources for before, during, and after pregnancy including referral programs.

Newborn screening
  • Newborn screening is a set of tests that check newborn babies for various conditions.
Alcohol use during pregnancy
  • There's no known safe amount of alcohol use during pregnancy or while trying to get pregnant. Visit the CDC website to learn more about alcohol use during pregnancy.
Birth control and sexual health
  • Learn more about birth control, sexual health, STDs and pregnancy planning, and how to find a provider.

Nurse Home Visitor Program
  • The Nurse Home Visitor Program is a health education and counseling program provided by specially trained nurse home visitors to first-time, low-income women beginning in pregnancy and up to the child's second birthday.
Prenatal Plus Plan
  • The Prenatal Plus Plan is a program for pregnant women with Colorado Medicaid focused on improving birth outcomes through individual education, counseling and coordination of care.
Special Connections Program
  • A substance-use treatment program for pregnant women with Colorado Medicaid.
Women, Infants, and Children Program (WIC)
  • WIC is a nutrition and supplemental food program for pregnant and breastfeeding women, and their children up to age 5.
    • WIC. (Colorado WIC website)