Maternal health data

Data sharing and requests

Maternal mortality data from 2014 through 2021 is currently available for request. 

The Maternal Mortality Prevention Program (MMPP) collects maternal mortality data, and some of this data is available upon request. Data can be requested through the CDPHE Data Request System by completing the Data Inquiry Form.

Data request process

  1. Complete the Data Inquiry Form and specify your interest in “Maternal Mortality Review” data. 
  2. A member of the MMPP team will contact you to learn more about the scope and goals of your project and ensure that your request adheres to data suppression guidelines, which protect the privacy and confidentiality of the individuals and their surviving community. 
  3. If approved, data will be shared with you at no cost.


Email preventmaternalmortality@state.co.us with any questions.

MMPP Publications

The Maternal Mortality in Colorado Legislative Report, 2016-2020 published in September 2023, presents the work of the Maternal Mortality Review Committee (MMRC).

Perinatal Health Data: Strengths, Weaknesses, and Opportunities to ImproveThe CDPHE and University of Denver Colorado Evaluation & Action Lab Improving Perinatal Health for Colorado Families: Strategies to Advance Evidence-Based Decision-Making in Policymaking provides strategies to advance evidence-based decision-making in policymaking.

Perinatal Health Data: Strengths, Weaknesses, and Opportunities to Improve was published in July of 2023. The report recommends strategies to achieve equity in perinatal health experiences and outcomes through data, identifies current strengths and weaknesses in the perinatal data landscape, and recommends opportunities for expanded data system integration and sharing.

Maternal Deaths From Suicide and Overdose in Colorado, 2004-2012, published December 2016, determines demographic and clinical characteristics of maternal deaths from self-harm (accidental overdose or suicide) to identify opportunities for prevention.

Maternal Mortality in Colorado, 2014-2016, published July 1, 2020, recommends strategies to achieve equity in maternal health outcomes and ways to reduce the incidence of preventable maternal mortality and morbidity; identifies maternal mortality causes that have the greatest impact on pregnant and postpartum Coloradans and are most preventable; recommends clinical quality improvement approaches that could reduce the incidence of pregnancy-related mortality or morbidity in clinical settings; and offers ways to disseminate best practice guidelines.