CIIS training

All users:

For CIIS access, you must first take a required online course on CO.Train. To access and register for a CIIS course on CO.Train, please see our CO.Train Quick Guide here

Please see the chart below to find the course required for your type of user. This chart is also available in the Quick Guide. If you have questions about which course is right for you, please contact the CIIS Help Desk at 303-692-2437, option 2 or cdphe.ciis@state.co.us
Please note: In order to get a CIIS account, you must demonstrate proof that you’ve complete the appropriate training(s). After completing your course(s) on Co.Train, please navigate to the course page in Co.Train and click the blue ‘Print Certificate’ button. Please save this certificate to your records so that you can upload it when requesting a CIIS account.

Type of UserCourse NameCourse ID

General user (read-only CIIS access)

CIIS Read-Only User Training

General user (clinic setting)CIIS General User Training1027956
General user (for electronic reporters in a clinic setting)CIIS General User Course for Electronic Reporters1072563
School and childcare userCIIS School and Child Care User Training1027957
VFC providers with access to inventory and ordering (aggregate)CIIS Aggregate Inventory and Ordering Training (For VFC Providers Only)1047424
VFC providers with access to inventory and ordering (manual)CIIS Manual Inventory and Ordering Training (For VFC Providers Only)1047749
For any CIIS General User wanting to run Reminder/Recall in CIISCIIS Reminder/Recall Training1030877


User Registration Process

General users
Training resources, including quick guides, job aids and webinars
School and child care users
Training resources, including quick guides and job aids.
Vaccines for Children users
Training resources, including quick guides, job aids and webinars.
COVID-19 Vaccine Providers
Training resources, including job aids.
Other training resources