School and child care immunization data reporting

Reporting for the 2024-25 school year is closed. 

Reporting for the 2025-26 school year opens October 1, 2025.

Colorado Board of Health rule 6 CCR 1009-2 requires most schools and licensed child cares to report aggregate immunization and exemption data to the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment annually.

Who must report: Public, private and parochial schools with grades K - 12, as well as child care centers, preschools and Head Start programs with 10 or more children.

Immunization data reporting is required for some colleges and universities. For more details, reference the information for college/university staff section of the College and university school-required immunization guidance and resources webpage

Who does not need to report: School-age child care centers, family child care homes, drop-in centers, day treatment centers, foster care homes, day camps, and resident camps. With the exception of online only students and schools, these facilities are still required to collect immunization or exemption forms for their students.   

Reporting resources:

Vaccine resources

CIIS resources



Questions? Email cdphe_school_immunizationreporting@state.co.us