$56 | CPT Code: 86689 | Serology Lab
- HIV-1/HIV-2 antibody differentiation immunoassay
Acceptable specimen(s)
- This is for confirmatory testing only.
- HIV differentiation is performed only after a reactive (positive) HIV combo antibody/antigen enzyme immunoassay (EIA) test.
- Submit a patient sample for the HIV combo antibody/antigen EIA test.
Turnaround time
- Five (5) business days. HIV differentiation results are reported with the HIV combo antibody/antigen EIA test.
- Results will be available in LabOnline.
Supplemental information
Image credit: CDC HIV testing guidelines
The State Lab follows the HIV testing algorithm for serum or plasma specimens recommended by CDC. If a sample is reactive in the EIA test, but is negative or indeterminate for HIV-1 and negative for HIV-2 with HIV differentiation, then the sample will be tested with a FDA-approved HIV-1 nucleic acid test (NAT).
Additional sample submission information
Contact information
- Client services: cdphe_labcoordinators@state.co.us
- Serology Lab: cdphe_serology_lab@state.co.us