Evidential Breath Alcohol Testing (EBAT)

The Evidential Breath Alcohol Testing (EBAT) program repairs, calibrates and certifies the Intoxilyzer 9000 (I-9000) instruments used statewide to test subjects suspected of driving under the influence of alcohol. The EBAT program also trains and certifies law enforcement officers who perform these tests using the I-9000.

The EBAT Program has established rigorous scientific standards of performance that every Intoxilyzer 9000 used for evidential breath alcohol testing must meet prior to being certified by the department and placed into service. The testing performed on the instruments prior to certification ensures that the results reported by the instruments are at the highest possible level of scientific accuracy, precision and fairness.

The EBAT Program is accredited by the ANSI National Accreditation Board (ANAB) and meets the ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Forensic Science Calibration Laboratories Accreditation Requirements.

Announcement of rule revisions

On Sept. 18, 2024, the Colorado Board of Health approved the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment’s (CDPHE) proposed revisions for regulations related to 5 Code of Colorado Regulations 1005-2 (5 CCR 1005-2), Testing for Alcohol and Other Drugs


These regulations establish minimum standards for certification and approval of both entities and their processes that test samples for alcohol and drugs. These samples come from investigations into drug- or alcohol-related crashes or incidents. These rules include collection and testing procedures for samples of blood, urine, or post-mortem specimens; certification requirements for operators and instructors performing Evidential Breath Alcohol Testing, or EBAT; and certification requirements for forensic toxicology laboratories


The changed rules will go into effect Nov. 20, 2024, and will be posted on the Secretary of State’s webpage.  


Changes to the rules include:

  • Grammatical and numbering corrections

  • Shift from using a physical “instrument access card” to a “operator identification number” in several instances 

  • Updates to the appropriate specifications to align with manufacturer specifications

  • Updating language to reflect current technology

  • Adding language that specifies the approved facility must maintain all supplies and instrumentation

  • Increasing specificity of lab procedure language  

  • Adding language to specify that facilities may be held responsible for damaged Department equipment 

If you have any concerns or questions about the rules, email cdphe_ebat@state.co.us.


Lab location

lab google map capture

The map image links to Google Maps for directions.

EBAT dashboards

Additional resources

EBAT documents

Find information on Board of Health rules, Breath Alcohol Ignition Interlock Devices (BAIID) and Preliminary Breath Testing Devices (PBT).

Intoxilyzer resources

Order supplies for the Intoxilyzer, find exception message guides and the I-9000 Operator Manual

EBAT contacts