I-9000 operator initial certification class
(www.train.org/colorado account log-in required)
Employees of approved law enforcement agencies can become certified I-9000 operators by:
- Attending an eight-hour EBAT Initial Operator Certification course at a regional law enforcement agency and completing a comprehensive practical exam
- Scoring 80 percent or greater on the written operator exam
I-9000 Instructor initial certification class
(www.train.org/colorado account log-in required)
Certified Intoxilyzer operators can become certified Intoxilyzer instructors by:
- Completing the 16-hour evidential breath alcohol testing (EBAT) Instructor initial certification class
- Scoring 80 percent or greater on the written exam
- Completing a comprehensive practical exam
Annual online I-9000 operator refresher course
All I-9000 Operators must complete the online Operator Annual Refresher Course using your www.train.org/colorado account.
Annual online I-9000 instructor refresher course
All I-9000 Instructors must complete the online Instructor Annual Refresher Course using your www.train.org/colorado account.
Biennial I-9000 instructor certification
(www.train.org/colorado account log-in required)
Every two years, all I-9000 instructors must participate in teaching one eight-hour I-9000 Operator certification class.