General Naloxone Bulk Fund Information

What is the Naloxone Bulk Fund and how do I access it?

Learn more about the Naloxone Bulk Fund and how you can access it.



What is the Opiate Antagonist Naloxone Bulk Purchase Fund?

Colorado Senate Bill 19-227 created the Opiate Antagonist Naloxone Bulk Purchase Fund. It allows eligible entities to purchase opiate antagonists, such as naloxone or Narcan, at low or no cost.

What is the Naloxone Bulk Fund Prioritization Plan?

As of May 31, 2024, the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) began implementing a prioritization plan to maximize resources so that individuals most at risk of experiencing or witnessing an overdose are prioritized to receive naloxone.

How can I access naloxone in Colorado?


Who is eligible?
  • A unit of local government- including but not limited to Local Public Health Agencies
  • A person that is NOT a private entity and makes a defibrillator or AED available to aid the general public.
  • A harm reduction organization
  • A law enforcement agency
  • A first responder 
  • An institute of higher education
  • A library
  • Community service organization- registered as a non-profit organization with the State of Colorado
  • A Religious Organization
  • A local jail
  • Multijurisdicitonal jail
  • A municipal jail
  • A correctional facility
  • A private contract prison
  • A community corrections program
  • A pretrial services program
  • Probation Department
  • A mental health professional
  • A school district board of education of a public school*
  • The State Charter School Institute for an institute charter school*
  • A governing board of a nonpublic school*
    * If you are applying as a school or district (including charter or private schools) there is an additional policy requirement. You will need to have a policy in place before submitting your application. The policy should address the possession, administration, and maintenance of naloxone. This policy should be emailed to the Bulk Fund Coordinator for review, prior to submitting your application. Example policy and school toolkit on the Colorado Consortium for Prescription Drug Abuse Prevention’s website can be found here.

Where can I access naloxone if I am not eligible for the Naloxone Bulk Fund?
  • Visit the Stop the Clock Colorado website to locate a pharmacy or harm reduction agency near you that dispenses naloxone.
  • There are a variety of naloxone products that are available over-the-counter. We encourage you to call any retail outlet first to find out the price and availability.
  • A prescription is not needed to obtain naloxone in Colorado. 
    • Please note: Accessing naloxone using your health insurance at a pharmacy may have an out-of-pocket cost associated with it. Contact your insurance company for more information.

Do I need a standing order?

All eligible entities must have a standing order before applying to the Bulk Fund. If your agency has a medical provider with prescriptive authority on staff, use the appropriate example provided to write your prescription:

What if my agency does not have a standing order?

All eligible entities must have a standing order before applying to the Bulk Fund. If your agency does not have a medical provider with prescriptive authority you must first submit:

Who can prescribe and dispense naloxone?
  • See Colorado State Statute  C.R.S. 12-30-110 for the definition of prescribers who may prescribe or dispense naloxone, directly or in accordance with standing orders and protocols.

Are naloxone and test strips available from my Local Public Health Agency (LPHA)?

Many LPHA's throughout the state offer naloxone free of charge to county residents. Some LPHA’s also provide free Fentanyl Test Strips (FTS). 

We encourage you to contact your local LPHA even if you don’t see your county's website listed below to see if they offer naloxone in your community.

Can the Naloxone Bulk Fund provide naloxone demonstration tools?
  • Requests for nasal spray training devices can be made by emailing Laura Goldberg at goldbergl@ebsi.com.