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Statewide resources
Department of Regulatory Affairs
The Division of Insurance regulates the health insurance industry in Colorado and ensures companies follow state and federal laws. The following resources help explain the rights and protections of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) Coloradans when accessing health care and benefits, and provide additional information when working with a medical or behavioral health provider, as well as various community resources.
Behavioral Health Administration
The Behavioral Health Administration works to ensure all people in Colorado have access to quality mental health and substance use disorder services, regardless of where they live or ability to pay. The administration will help bring together community groups and governmental agencies to design a behavioral health system for all people in Colorado.
Department of Human Services
The Department of Human Services supports people and families by connecting them with assistance, resources and support at every stage of their lives, serving Coloradans through bold and innovative health and human services.
Department of Labor and Employment
The Division of Vocational Rehabilitation provides a wide variety of individualized services for people with disabilities. These services may allow you to reach your employment goals and live independently.
The Office of New Americans serves as the point of contact for state agencies, private sector organizations, and the public to advance the integration and inclusion of New Americans in Colorado communities.
Resources by region
Northern Colorado
SPLASH Youth of Northern Colorado
Rainbow Circles (available statewide, virtually)
Northwest Colorado
Central Region
Teller County Mental Health Alliance
Southwest/San Luis Valley
Four Corners Rainbow Youth Services
Pueblo and the Southeast
Southern Colorado Equality Alliance