Closed Landfill Remediation Grant Program

During the 2023 legislative session, the Colorado General Assembly passed House Bill 23-1194, codified at Section 30-20-124 of the Colorado Revised Statutes (C.R.S.), creating the Closed Landfill Remediation Grant Program (grant program) within the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE or the Department). The grant program helps eligible local governments to mitigate and remediate environmental problems caused by their closed solid waste landfills.

More information about House Bill 23-1194

Anticipated Schedule (subject to change):

  • May 21, 2024: Solid and Hazardous Waste Commission considers proposed Section 19 for adoption at the rulemaking hearing.
  • June 10, 2024: Draft request for applications for grant cycle #1 is released.
  • June 17, 2024: Advisory Committee meeting.
  • June 21, 2024: Due date for stakeholders to submit written inquiries on the request for applications for grant cycle #1.
  • June 27, 2024: Pre-application informational webinar.
  • July 1, 2024: Final request for applications for grant cycle #1 is released and the application window opens.
  • August 30, 2024: Applications are due for grant cycle #1.
  • October 23, 2024: Advisory Committee meeting.
  • February 2025 (estimated): Contract begin date for grant cycle #1.
  • January 2025 (estimated): Final request for applications for grant cycle #2 is released and the application window opens.
  • March 2025 (estimated): Applications are due for grant cycle #2.
  • May 2025 (estimated): Advisory Committee meeting.
  • July 1, 2025 (estimated): Contract begin date for grant cycle #2.


House Bill 23-1194 directs the Solid and Hazardous Waste Commission to adopt rules on how the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment will administer the grant program. The Solid Waste and Materials Management Program implemented a stakeholder process for drafting the rules. On May 21, 2024, the Solid and Hazardous Waste Commission voted and adopted an amendment to 6 CCR 1007-2, Part 1, addition of Section 19 - Administration of the Closed Landfill Remediation Grant Program.

Eligibility criteria are provided in Section 19 - Administration of the Closed Landfill Remediation Grant Program, which is available on the Colorado Solid Waste Regulations: 6 CCR 1007-2, Part 1 - Regulations Pertaining to Solid Waste Sites and Facilities webpage.

Request for applications

Grant Cycle #1 Request for Applications

We invite eligible local governments to apply for the closed landfill remediation grant program. Questions and answers (Q&A) for the Request For Applications are provided below. Any questions we receive during the application window will be added to the Q&A document posted on this webpage with the answers. It will be up to applicants to check in regularly with this webpage for new Q&A during the application window.

We have provided a sample application evaluation summary form, a sample advisory committee application recommendation for grant awards form, and a sample intergovernmental grant agreement (contract) at the individual document links below. Please note that these documents are not part of the grant cycle #1 request for applications and are subject to change.

Pre-application informational webinar

On June 27, 2024 we hosted a pre-application informational webinar to assist applicants with applying and requirements for submitting the application; the recording is available below. 

Pre-application information webinar June 27, 2024

Advisory Committee

Closed Landfill Remediation Grant Program Advisory Committee Bylaws: dated June 17, 2024

Closed Landfill Remediation Grant Program Advisory Committee Guidance document for identifying and managing conflicts

House Bill 23-1194 created the closed landfill remediation grant program Advisory Committee in the department. The appointments for initial terms are staggered, such that one member serves an initial one-year term, one member serves an initial two-year term, and the other members serve initial three-year terms. Subsequent to these initial terms, all members serve subsequent terms of three years. The members of the advisory committee serve without compensation.

Advisory Committee members

  • Charles Adams, chair, representing the technical member, appointed February 20, 2024, and serving a three-year term.
  • Jeffrey Moore, vice chair, City of Aurora, representing local government, appointed February 20, 2024, and serving a three-year term.
  • Matt Salka, La Plata County Commissioner, representing local government, appointed February 20, 2024, and serving a two-year term. 
  • Tracie White, representing the department, appointed February 20, 2024, and serving a three-year term.
  • Jennifer Talbert, representing the department, appointed February 20, 2024, and serving a one-year term.

Advisory Committee meetings

The Advisory Committee meets at least one time per year. Stakeholders and members of the public are welcome to attend this virtual meeting and provide public comment.

To submit a comment to the advisory committee, please use the Closed Remediation Grant Program contact in the Contact link below.

Upcoming meeting

Previous committee meetings


We are in the process of developing a stakeholder list for notifications. If you have not received a notification about the Closed Landfill Remediation Grant Program, and would like to receive future notifications, please use the 'Contact' link above to reach out to the Closed Landfill Remediation Grant Program contact person to be added to the stakeholder list.