Note: The waste tire fee on the sale of new motor vehicle and trailer tires by retailers is changing to $0.50 per tire on July 1, 2025, and will be collected quarterly.
WT-9 form instructions
- Click on the link to the form below.
- A new webpage will open with a business lookup.
- Use the drop down or type in your business name.
- Select your business and click on the "Fill out your new tire fee return" link.
- The form will open with your business name and ID prepopulated, and you can fill out the rest of the form.
- Reminder: Do not forget to download and fill out the Excel spreadsheet.
- If you have any problems, please call (303) 692-3437 or email
- If you submit a New Waste Tire Fee Return form for multiple stores, you must report monthly the number of new tires sold at each location.
- Click on the drop down menu to the right to download and fill out the Excel spreadsheet and attach it to your WT-9 web form.
- Download and fill out the Excel spreadsheet and attach it to your WT-9 web form.
- Ensure payer is authorized to use the account.
- Must be received by us by the 20th day of each month.
- Submit a return each month even if you didn't sell any tires and no fee is owed.
If you need to make a back payment, please contact the Waste Tire Fee Analyst: