Certification and lead abatement forms

Lead abatement permits, certification and training forms, and exams
Lead-based paint activities must be conducted by state-certified firms and individuals. State requirements include training, certification, accreditation and work practice standards. The requirements apply to housing constructed prior to 1978, and child-occupied facilities. These requirements are found in Colorado Air Quality Control Regulation No. 19.
To become a certified individual by Colorado, you must:
1. Complete the required training. Approved training providers are found in the Lead Services Directory.
2. Submit the appropriate application for certification (provided below).
3. Pass the appropriate state exam for the discipline in which you want to be certified.
After successfully completing the above requirements, individuals seeking Supervisor or Worker certification will be issued a Lead Photo Identification Card. Inspectors will receive a certificate.


Abatement Permit

Use this form for abatement projects. Abatement includes, but is not limited to:
  • The removal of lead-based paint and lead-contaminated dust, the permanent enclosure or encapsulation of lead-based paint, the replacement of lead-painted surfaces or fixtures, and the removal or covering of lead-contaminated soil.
  • All preparation, cleanup, disposal, and post-abatement clearance testing activities associated with such measures.

Abatement Variance Request

Use this form to request a variance from the requirements of the Colorado Air Quality Control Regulation No. 19, Lead-Based Paint.

Approved Encapsulate Products

Lead-based PaintPermit Modification Form

Use this form to cancel a permit or to modify an existing permit.


Certification application for firms

Use this form to apply to be a lead evaluation firm or lead abatement firm

Certification application for individuals

Use this form for these disciplines:
  • Inspector: inspections and clearance testing
  • Risk Assessor: inspections, clearance testing, lead hazard screens and risk assessments
  • Supervisor: supervision of abatement projects, preparation of occupant protection plans, abatement reports
  • Worker: abatement activities under the direction of a certified abatement supervisor


Training Course Approval

Use this form to apply for state-approval of a training course

Course Notification

Use this form to notify us of a course, or to cancel a course. This form also serves as our approval of the class.
Find certified Lead Evaluation Firms and Lead Abatement Firms here.


Exam schedule and information for Denver, Grand Junction, and Pueblo.