Press Release

Gov. Jared Polis signs legislation to protect Colorado’s wetlands and streams, provide regulatory certainty for businesses and individuals

DENVER (May 30, 2024): Gov. Jared Polis has signed into law a bipartisan piece of legislation that will protect Colorado’s wetlands and streams — filling a regulatory gap created by a recent Supreme Court decision — and provide individuals and small businesses with a stable and predictable permitting regime for dredge and fill activities. The legislation was sponsored by Speaker of the House Julie McCluskie and Representative Karen McCormick and Senators Dylan Roberts and Barbara Kirkmeyer.

Colorado state health department to accept grant applications to fund low- and zero-emission fleet vehicles that help protect clean air and reduce greenhouse gases

DENVER (April 19, 2024): The CDPHE Clean Fleet Enterprise Board will soon accept applications for the second round of funding for the Clean Fleet Vehicle and Technology Grant Program. The program offers funding to replace fleet vehicles that run on gas or diesel with low- and zero-emission options that help protect air quality and reduce greenhouse gas emissions that cause climate change.