Treehouse Learning Wins 24k Gold Award, five businesses win the Innovation Spotlight Awards as part of Colorado Green Business Network recognition event

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Denver (9/27/24) – The Colorado Green Business Network awarded Treehouse Learning, a private, locally owned early childhood education center in Louisville, Colo., with the 24-Karat Gold Award for its commitment to sustainability through environmental literacy in early childhood education.
The network presented the award today at a recognition event that also celebrated 111 current and 68 newly certified green businesses across the state. The Colorado Green Business Network, which is sponsored by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, also distributed a series of awards to businesses that have gone above and beyond to advance sustainability and prioritize energy efficiency in their operations.

“Our program has grown so much this year, and our team is inspired to work with businesses that are working every day to make a difference,” said Rayna Oliker, Colorado Green Business Network Manager. “Businesses all across Colorado are recognizing the value of efficiency and sustainability, and we’re eager to continue empowering them to succeed. Our shared partnership and commitment to a greener future helps us create a healthier and happier Colorado for all.”

In total, certified green businesses saved nearly 91,000 metric tons of CO2e, which is equivalent to the greenhouse gas emissions from over 21,000 gasoline-powered passenger vehicles driven for one year.

Treehouse Learning received the 24-Karat Gold Award, which is a voluntary, members-choice competition between gold-certified green business network organizations. In 2023, the organization launched a water reduction project, which involved removing grass and replacing it with several donated flats of water-wise, pollinator-friendly perennials. What began as a small opportunity-based project to reduce water usage soon took on a life of its own. The project became the foundation for teaching the children at the school the importance of environmental stewardship. The project evolved and is now named “The Outdoor Environments Project,” a multi-faceted initiative that incorporates water reduction, emissions reduction, community involvement, environmental education, innovation and creativity, and the stewardship of biodiversity and ecology on behalf of the next generations of children.

The Colorado Green Business Network also awarded five businesses with the Innovation Spotlight Awards, which recognizes organizations that have demonstrated outstanding progress and innovation in a variety of areas, including improvements that benefit the community or address health disparities. It also honors improvements in specific areas of operations, including water, energy, waste, and transportation.  

Cabinetworks Group’s Engineering Manager, Royce Austin, implemented a dust collection control project to improve capacity and reduce electricity consumption. By using existing technology, the business was able to save 50,000 kWh/year and meet the facility’s increased demand, all while avoiding the purchase of an additional system that would have spiked energy use.

Centennial Airport was the first airport in Colorado to begin selling unleaded fuel, a more environmentally friendly fuel. The results were commendable, with UL94 fuel sales constituting 20% of the total fuel sales in 2023. Leaded aviation fuel is one of many sources of lead exposure. The business’ work is an important first step to reduce the risk of lead exposure and serves as a model for airports across the country in lead use reduction.

Circle Graphics were throwing away many canvas prints as part of their printing process. After noticing a sizable but usable waste stream, the business’s Green Action Team painted over the canvases by hand, preparing them for donation to local art centers in Longmont. So far, the program has donated 243 canvases, which is around 1,283 pounds of materials.

Premier Members Credit Union increased community support and equity through shared resources when it created a “traveling lactation kit” that includes a portable pump, furniture, privacy screens, and other amenities, allowing employees to convert a room of any size into a private lactation space. The credit union is the first of all businesses recognized by the Colorado Breastfeeding Coalition to certify all 19 of its branches as lactation-friendly workplaces.

Ready Food’s maintenance team improved the efficiency of their existing boiler system, which has allowed the business to decrease standard operations from two boilers to one. This change has streamlined production, reduced downtime, and increased efficiency, leading to a 7% decrease in natural gas usage and a 20% decrease in water usage. It has also saved 20,100 therms and 2,047,800 gallons of water annually.

For more information about Colorado green businesses, refer to the GreenBiz Tracker directory, visit the Colorado Green Business Network website, or contact
