Wildfire Preparedness, Response and Recovery

Wildfires are common occurrences in Colorado and we are here to help. Please use and share the following resources compiled by CDPHE'sOffice of Emergency Preparedness and Response.


2020 Wildfire Season

Wildfire Debris Guidance
Asbestos management - Residential Properties
Disposal Notification Form - Residential Properties
Resources from the Air Pollution Control division

Colorado Air Quality
Updated daily,air quality summaries, advisories and forecasts.

Colorado Smoke Outlook
Advisories for wildfire smoke, affected areas and public health recommendations.

Disaster recovery guides

CDPHE has created two disaster recovery guides, one for local public health agencies and one for the public.Environmental health problems arising from emergencies and disasters are connected to their effects on the physical, biological and social environment that pose a threat to human health, well-being and survival: shelter, water, sanitation, disease vectors, pollution, etc. These guides deal with the management of such problems, particularly from the standpoint of the staff member with environmental health or disease prevention responsibilities before, during and after emergencies and disasters.

The disaster recovery guide for local public health agencies provides Colorado's local public health partners with initial guidance in order to begin the recovery process as soon as possible in the aftermath of natural disaster.

The disaster recovery guide for the public provides the public with initial guidance to begin the recovery process as soon as possible in the aftermath of natural disaster.

Resources from the Health Facilities and Emergency Medical Services division

2018 Wildfire Outlook and Preparedness Webinar
Predictions for the 2018 wildfire season, actions to take before, during and after fires, protecting against smoke effects, considerations for evacuations vs. shelter-in-place, tips for receiving facilitates and additional resources.


Resources to share with the public

Colorado Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management wildfire "Info Center"
Information on how the public can do before, during and after wildfires.

Colorado Wildfire Risk Assessment Portal
The Colorado Wildfire Risk Assessment Portal provides access to information that describes wildland fire risk statewide.

Resources for public health officials

Wildfire Smoke - A Guide for Public Health Officials
Created by multiple agencies, this guide is designed to help local public health officials prepare for smoke events, take measures to protect the public during smoke events and communicate with the public about wildfire smoke.

EPA Smoke Ready Toolbox
Guides, fact sheets, brochures, infographics and web resources for use in learning about the health impacts of wildland fire smoke.

CDC Wildfire Resources
Fact sheets and inforgraphics ready to share with the public.

Resources specific to Colorado

Drought Map
Updated weekly by the National Integrated Drought Information System.

Colorado Health Care Coalitions
Groups of local health care and responder organizations that collaborate to prepare for emergencies. HCCs reflect the unique needs and characteristics of local jurisdictions.

Colorado Emergency Managers
Contact information for county-level emergency management.