HAI Advisory Committee


Mission statement

The primary role of the Advisory Committee is to provide oversight and guidance to the Department for the collection, analysis, and publication of HAI data from health facilities according to C.R.S. 25-3-601-607. The Advisory Committee may advise the HAI&AR program on other issues as needed.

Membership information

Advisory Committee members are citizen volunteers that participate in a committee that is a public body. There are 11 members appointed by the Executive Director of the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. These include: 

  • One representative from a rural hospital.
  • One representative from an urban hospital.
  • One board-certified or board-eligible physician licensed in the state of Colorado who is affiliated with a Colorado hospital or medical school, who is an active member of a national organization specializing in healthcare epidemiology or infection control.
  • Four infection control practitioners are as follows.
    • One from a stand-alone ambulatory surgical center,
    • One from a long-term care setting,
    • One health care professional certified by the Certification Board of Infection Control and Epidemiology, Inc., or its successor,
    • One other health care professional,
  • One representative from a health consumer organization.
  • One representative from a health insurer.
  • One representative from a purchaser of health insurance.
  • Either one medical statistician with an advanced degree in such specialty or a clinical microbiologist with an advanced degree in such a specialty.

A list of current members can be found here: 2023 member list.

Meeting structure and schedule

The committee typically meets eight to ten times each year on the fourth Tuesday of the month from 2 to 4 p.m. at CDPHE in Denver. Call-in information is available. During the COVID-19 response, meetings are being held using telephone and video conferencing. All meetings are open for the public to attend and comment. Please email us at cdphe_hai_ar@state.co.us for call-in information.

Agendas will be posted on the website 24 hours prior to the meeting: meeting agendas.

Meeting minutes

Minutes for meetings held during the past 4 years can be found here: meeting minutes.

Advisory Committee Bylaws

Advisory Committee Bylaws can be found here: advisory committee bylaws.


Christopher A Czaja MD DrPH