HDCGP funding opportunities


The Health Disparities and Community Grant Program (HDCGP) is funded by the Colorado state tobacco tax revenue as mandated by Amendment 35 (A35) and by funds appropriated by the general assembly as mandated by Colorado SB21-181. The program typically conducts its funding cycle according to the state fiscal year (July 1 – June 30). All funding is contingent upon Colorado State Board of Health approval, spending authority of the program and appropriations by the state legislature each year. The Health Equity Commission assists in the review of the grant program.

Current funding opportunities

Please check back soon for new opportunities!

RFA #42396 - Health Disparities and Community Grant Program (HDCGP) Senate Bill (SB)21-181

BOH Memo with FY2025-2027 Health Disparities and Community Grant Program RFA #42396 Grantee List for FY25

The application period is now closed for FY25-27 funding (July 2024 through June 2027) for HDCGP RFA #42396. You may still view the following:

For questions about the application process, please contact cdphe_hdcgp@state.co.us.

RFP #202400108 - Health Disparities and Community Grant Program (HDCGP) Program Evaluation

The application period is now closed for RFP RFP #202400108.

RFA #35913

The application period is now closed for FY22-23 funding (April 2022 through June 2023) for HDCGP RFA #35913. You may still view the following:

RFA #33306

The application period is now closed for FY22-25 funding (January 2022 through December 2024) for HDCGP RFA #33306. You may still view the following:

For questions about the application process, please contact cdphe_healthequity@state.co.us.