CEOS login
The Colorado Environmental Online Services, CEOS, is the gateway for environmental permitting and finance needs. The platform allows you to manage permits, compliance reports, financing and more, including:
- Submitting an application.
- Monitoring submittal progress.
- Receiving notifications and alerts.
- Updating current requests with revisions as needed.
CEOS Supplemental Documents
CEOS for General Dewatering Permit Program
As part of our effort to comply with federal electronic reporting rules, the permits section of the Water Quality Control Division has implemented the Colorado Environmental Online Services (CEOS) for Dewatering permits.
CEOS for Construction Stormwater General Permit COR400000
As part of our effort to comply with federal electronic reporting rules, the permits section of the Water Quality Control Division has implemented the Colorado Environment Online Services (CEOS) for construction stormwater general permit.
CEOS for General Air Pollution Control Permit Updates
Use this guide to answer questions regarding account creation as well as completion of APEN updates for GP01 and GP02 sources.
CEOS for Tier II
Go to the Tier II pages for help and information about using CEOS to file your annual Tier II reports.If you have questions about reporting requirements (including questions and issues regarding your T2S or CEOS account setup or billing), please contact the program:
CEOS for Water Quality Control Division - Grants and Loans
CEOS for Water Quality Control Division - Grants and Loans" with this description below "All submittals associated with the two State Revolving Fund programs: the Drinking Water Revolving Fund (DWRF); and the Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund (WPCRF), are available through CEOS. This includes forms such as the Eligibility Surveys, Pre-Qualification Forms, Project Needs Assessments, Loan Applications, Pay Requests, etc.
For help, please click this link: Chat Bot Help
Help pages for other programs coming soon.