Tier II hazardous chemical inventory reporting

EPCRA Sections 311/312 require the submission of a Tier II form for the storage of hazardous chemicals that exceed federal thresholds. The purpose of this form is to provide state and local emergency planning officials and the public with information on the general hazard types and locations of hazardous chemicals present at a facility during the previous calendar year.

Tier II reporting instructions

Follow the steps below to prepare and submit your Tier II report.

1. Create your facility’s Tier II report.

All Tier II reporters create their facility’s report in the EPA’s newest version of their Tier2 Submit software as a first step.

Please download the latest software version below:

 Tier2Submit Software Download

The EPA updates this software every year. Reporters must download the most recent software from the EPA each year to file a new report. Failure to complete your report in the latest software version will result in an invalidated report that will need to be resubmitted. If you have submitted a Tier II report in previous reporting years, you can import your report into the new software to populate your facility data.

Once you create your report and it receives a green validation checkmark in Tier2 Submit, export your report as a .T2S file and proceed to the next step.

If you have questions, you can consult the 2024 Tier2 Submit tutorial.

2. Create an AccessGov account.

To create your AccessGov account follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the AccessGov Dashboard
  2. Select “Log In” at the top right of the Dashboard
  3. Select “Sign up now”
  4. Enter information and send verification code
  5. Select “Create”

We conducted a training session on the new AccessGov platform for Tier II reporters. You can view the webinar recording to review RY2024 changes and view instructions for the AccessGov portal.

3. Submittal and payment.

Once you have created your AccessGov account, complete the Tier II submittal form and attach your .T2S file from Tier2 Submit. Online payment will be generated through AccessGov and will accept credit card or e-check payment.

All reports must be submitted through AccessGov. Email submissions will NOT be accepted.

The deadline for report submission is 5:00 p.m. (MST) on March 1, 2025.

See how fees for the Tier II program are structured.

Tier II Data

Tier II reports track chemicals stored at a facility during the previous calendar year. CDPHE manages and disseminates this data to emergency planners and first responders.

Learn more

Tier II FAQs

Facilities with questions about Tier II reporting, visit the FAQ page.

Learn more

Need Help?

Invoicing questions

303-692-3645, option #4

Contact for Tier II-specific questions

Gabe Catenacci

Tier2Submit Software help


U.S. Environmental Protection Agency EPCRA Hotline

TDD: 1-800-553-7672
9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Eastern time Monday-Friday

Reporting questions help line

EPA 1-800-424-9346 ext.4

Additional Information

Facilities are not required to provide the same report to the local emergency planning committee (LEPC) or the local fire department unless those agencies maintain local reporting requirements. Please check with your LEPC and fire department for local requirements.

Colorado Emergency Planning Committee (CEPC)

Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC)

Preparedness: Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know (EPCRA)

Tier II frequently requested information