Social determinants of health research

Social determinants of health, are “the conditions in which people are born, grow, work, live, and age, and the wider set of forces and systems shaping the conditions of daily life” (World Health Organization, 2017).

These determinants impact multiple health outcomes, dealing with health care access, to maternal and child health and substance abuse prevention. The information presented here highlights how these various prevention efforts can work together to change systems and make communities healthier.

These research papers explore the social determinants of health across five main categories. Additionally, there are Colorado-specific strategies and resources specific to each topic within these categories.

Social determinants of health meta-analysis

Research on the impact of the five social determinants of health categories and information on promising strategies to address health disparities.


Social determinants of health resources

Research on income, employment, and housing.

Research on educational opportunities and access from childcare through higher education

Research on family-friendly business practices, stress, and employee health.

Research on connectedness, the impact of the criminal justice system on neighborhoods, and social connections.


Resources to implement the strategies