Highway 24 Mill Site

En español

Key information

  • The Highway 24 Mill Site is in Colorado Springs near the historic Golden Cycle Mill and tailings pile. The Site includes the A-1 Mobile Home village.
  • In 2022, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) sampled soils at the A-1 Mobile Home Village, and found elevated levels of lead and arsenic. 
  • In January 2024, EPA updated its guidance on lead to address contamination in residential areas. Now, the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment (CDPHE) and EPA are working together to address soil lead contamination at the A-1 Mobile Village.

What can you do?

  • The soil you come into contact with every day may contain heavy metals, such as lead and arsenic, that can get into your body by accidentally eating or breathing in dirt and dust particles. You can take simple actions to protect yourself and your family.
    • Regularly wash your hands with soap and water, especially for children after playing and before eating.
    • Keep dirt outside by removing and cleaning shoes before you come inside.
    • Create safe spaces to play by keeping kids from playing in bare soil along sides of buildings or under porches.

Upcoming activity

  • Analyze clean up options.
    • With community input, CDPHE will begin assessing possible options to clean up soils.
  • Select clean up option.
    • EPA will select the final clean up option. Typical clean up actions include removing contaminated soil and replacing it with clean soil.
  • Complete clean up.
    • Clean up activities are expected to be complete by the end of 2025, and we will continue to inspect the area to make sure it is protective of human health and the environment.


Contact Patrick Medland 

More information 

Highway 24 Mill Site EPA information/contacts