Colorado Healthy Hospital Compact


Hospitals throughout the state are building healthier nutrition environments through the Colorado Healthy Hospital Compact. Partner hospitals agree to promote breastfeeding and offer healthier food and beverage options to patients and their families, visitors, and staff. 

Become a partner hospital

Join the CHHC-network email list

About the Compact

  • The Compact is an agreement by hospitals that share a mission to protect and promote the health of hospital patients and their families, visitors, and staff. Compact partner hospitals will lead by example as they implement measures designed to improve the quality of their nutrition environments. In doing so, hospitals are working to develop a culture of wellness and contributing to the state's goal of making Colorado “the healthiest state.”

How to receive recognition

After completing the Partner Agreement, hospitals receive recognition when they complete the Assessment Tool and submit their documents through an Online Submission link. The Assessment Tool is an Excel document where hospitals enter the information to verify which standards they are implementing. The Assessment Tool includes information on what it means to implement a standard and the required documentation to support the implementation. This is a two-part process. First, download the Assessment Tool. Once you have completed the Assessment Tool and collected all of the necessary information, this is when you complete the second step by going to the Online Submission.

  • Assessment Tool  download:

Compact publicity

Check out stories written and aired about the Compact and partner hospitals:

Compact partner hospitals

Compact webinars and other resources


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