Colorado Health Alert Network

Working with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Colorado Health Alert Network (HAN) disseminates public health alerts and prevention guidelines to partners, providers, and key stakeholders. For questions or if you would like to sign up to receive HAN communications, please register or sign in on the Colorado Notification System page.
Alert classifications
The HAN level is clearly stated at the beginning of each communication.
  • HAN Alert: Highest level of importance, warrants immediate action.
  • HAN Advisory: Important information for a specific incident, may not require immediate action.
  • HAN Update: Updated information about an incident or situation, unlikely to require immediate action.
  • HAN Information: Information only, doesn't require action.
  • HAN Test/Exercise/Drill: Used only during system tests.
Method of communication
HAN communications can be initiated by authorized personnel at the federal, state, or local public health level. The urgency of the event and the agency sending the alert determines whether an alert is disseminated by phone, fax, email and/or pager.
Information flows as illustrated.
HAN flowchart