The Follow-Up Project

Individuals are at the highest risk of suicide death in the first 30 days after they are discharged from the emergency department or inpatient psychiatric care. Hospital Follow-Up Project services are telephonic caring contacts offered to clients discharged from an emergency department or inpatient psychiatric unit after experiencing a mental health crisis or overdose event. Hospital Follow-Up Project support is free to hospital sites and clients enrolled in the program.

New vendor transition

Hospital Follow-Up Project services transitioned to a new vendor as of September 2024. A team from the University of Colorado School of Medicine Division of Community, Population, and Public Mental Health now provides Hospital Project Follow-Up services

  • The full Follow-Up Project Relaunch was on November 4, 2024.
  • The Follow-Up Project Relaunch Webinar provides more information about what the re-launch means for enrolled sites.
  • Enrolled sites were asked to launch the new web enrollment form.
  • Nina Brathwaite, the Hospital Follow-Up Program (HFUP) Program Manager was in direct contact with enrolled sites to provide the resources and links needed for a seamless relaunch implementation.
  • Links to pertinent training and flyers were added to the online web referral form to centralize resources.
  • A training video is in the works and will be distributed to sites previously enrolled in the Follow-Up Project.
Second Wind Fund
  • The Second Wind Fund which connects youth ages 19 and younger who are at risk for suicide to therapists as part of the Follow-Up Project, will continue.
  • Sites not currently enrolled in the Follow-Up Project can email Jazmin Murguia, Hospital Follow-Up Project Coordinator jazmin.murguia@state.co.us.to learn more about enrolling.

For more information, email Suicide Prevention Follow-Up Project Coordinator Jazmin Murguia at jazmin.murguia@state.co.us.

Suicide is a public health issue in Colorado. Colorado's Hospital Follow-Up Project addresses a critical need for follow-up services in our system of care.

Collaborative Effort
  • Colorado’s Hospital Follow-Up Project is a collaboration between CDPHE’s Office of Suicide Prevention; the University of Colorado School of Medicine Division of Community, Population, and Public Mental Health; the Second Wind Fund; and health systems across the state.
  • Supported by grant funding from the U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) the Follow-Up Project seeks to provide telephonic caring contacts to clients discharging from an emergency department or inpatient psychiatric unit. 
  • Patients are eligible to participate after experiencing suicidal ideation, behavior, and attempt, self-harm, substance use, opioid use, or overdose event, regardless of intent. 
Patient cost
  • These services come at no cost to enrolled sites and patients across Colorado.

  • Follow-Up services are telephonic caring contacts offered to clients discharged from an emergency department (ED) after experiencing a suicidal ideation, behavior, and attempt, self-harm, substance use, opioid use, or overdose event, regardless of intent.

Where are Follow-Up Project services available?

Increased risk
Positive results
Pilot program

  • The Follow-Up Project model involves hospital staff screening people who are preparing to leave an inpatient or emergency department for suicide risk, referring them to and encouraging them to participate in the program, and conducting a “warm handoff” to hotline clinicians over the phone. 
  • Once hotline staff have an individual’s consent and contact information, they will reach out to them multiple times within the first 24 to 48 hours after discharge, and then regularly (typically weekly) for a month or longer as needed.
  • Follow-up services are free caring, non-demand contacts made by Follow-up Specialists who offer support through: 
    • safety assessment
    • harm reduction
    • resource linkage
    • collaborative goal setting

Peer specialists
  • University of Colorado School of Medicine Division of Community, Population, and Public Mental Health is staffed by crisis and peer specialists, ensuring that your clients are placed into trained, caring hands. 
  • Follow-Up Specialists have varying areas of expertise, including: 
    • clinical-based support
    • peer-based support
    • clinical opiate-specific support
    • veteran peer support

Facility eligibility
  • All Colorado Emergency Departments are eligible to participate.
Client eligibility

The Follow-up Project was initially designed to serve clients experiencing suicidality. However, with additional funding, client eligibility has been increased to include anyone struggling with:

  • suicidal ideation
  • suicidal behavior or attempts
  • self-harm
  • substance use
  • opioid use 
  • overdoses, regardless of intent

Interested in learning more?

Already enrolled?

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