Breastfeeding and child care

Returning to work or school after having a baby is often a difficult time for any parent. Communicating with and having support from your employer and child care provider can help you continue to breastfeed longer and allow you to reach your breastfeeding goals.

Tips for Starting your Breastfed Baby in Child Care

A toolkit for Colorado parents/guardians.

Consejos para que Su Bebe Comience a ir a la Guarderia.

Colorado lactation friendly recognized child care providers

Find a child care provider that has received statewide recognition for having supportive policies and practices, including people trained to support your breastfeeding family.

Parents and families - helpful information and links.

Lactation friendly child care provider - information and resources.

Supportive breastfeeding information

Lactation toolkits and resources

Colorado breastfeeding laws

Colorado Child Care Assistance Program

Breastfeeding in the workplace

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