Together, the State of Colorado and the Department of Interior recovered natural resource damages after a truck tanker spilled approximately 6,000 gallons of gasoline and 2,000 gallons of diesel into West Creek, which is just east of Gateway, Mesa County, Colorado.

Photo shows a segment of West Creek above the confluence with the Dolores River, near Gateway, Colorado.
The State and Federal Trustees approved three restoration projects in 2017 to restore the natural resources that were injured as a result of the West Creek tanker spill.
- Enhance access to West Creek by installing two fence ladders adjacent to West Creek that improve fisherman access.
- Restore fish habitat along segments of the Dolores River, which will improve habitat conditions for juvenile fish using side-channel and backwater features.
- Manage tamarisk and other invasive, non-native species by removing and treating tamarisk, Russian knapweed, and white top within 33 acres along segments of the Dolores River. This project received additional funding from the Department of Interior Restoration Catalyst Fund. This project is a larger part of the Dolores River Restoration Partnership’s area-wide effort to collaborate with private landowners and stakeholders.
The Department of Interior, through the Bureau of Land Management, with help from Colorado Parks and Wildlife, are carrying out all three projects.
Jennifer Talbert
Remediation Program Manager