The Defense Authorization Act of 2006 resolved any claims for natural resource damages that occurred as a result of the operation of Rocky Flats in exchange for $10 million. The $10 million was for the purchase of certain “essential mineral rights” located on federally-owned land at Rocky Flats, or given to the state and federal natural resource trustees for Rocky Flats.
In 2006, the Department of Energy, with help from the Trust for Public Land, purchased one of the four essential mineral rights parcels (the Eberharder parcel). The remaining NRD funds ($7,495,026) were transferred to the state and federal trustees.
In 2007, the state and federal trustees authorized the purchase of the Spicer minerals.
In 2009, the state and federal trustees approved funding for several additional projects including:
- Organized weed control coordination and native seed collection and propagation.
- Acquired a 26-acre open space Northwest of Standley Lake near Bald Eagle nest.
- Acquired mineral rights on the Rocky Flats/National Renewable Energy Laboratory wind test site referred to as Spicer II minerals containing 314 acres.
In 2011, the Natural Resource Trustees approved two projects
- Boulder and Jefferson county purchased the sand and gravel mineral leases on section 16. Section 16 has outstanding natural resource value, including a significant amount of xeric tall grass prairie providing important connectivity to protected open space lands on the west side of Highway 93.
- Lafarge West, Inc.’s proposal to surrender its leases to mine aggregate minerals on parcels of land located on Rocky Flats known as the Spicer and McKay leases. Additionally the Natural Resource Trustees approved Lafarge’s commitment to fund a wildlife crossing study and a native seed germination project.
In 2018, the Natural Resource Trustees awarded the remaining funds to the Mile High Youth Corps for noxious weed and invasive plant control in the vicinity of the Rocky Flats National Wildlife Refuge.

Photo to the left shows a bee attached to a bunch of flowers at Rocky Flats.

Jennifer Talbert
Remediation Program Manager