Firearm injury and death

This section of the Resource Bank will provide a dedicated and in-depth exploration of critical issues surrounding firearm injury and death in the state. The upcoming ‘Firearm Injuries and Deaths’ section will present research and data on topics such as community violence, firearm suicide, intimate partner violence, mass shootings, unintentional firearm injuries, firearm homicide, youth violence, school violence, and law enforcement-involved shootings. 

The Office of Gun Violence Prevention is committed to delivering a comprehensive resource that fosters understanding and promotes informed discussions on the complex issues associated with firearms in Colorado. The office will make updates and announcements regarding the release of this section on this web page as well as through the Office of Gun Violence Prevention newsletter.



The majority of people who experience suicidal despair do not go on to attempt or die by suicide. Hope and connection to resources are in our communities.

Community violence

Community violence can include homicide, assault, sexual assault, and gang violence and can be fatal or nonfatal.

Mass shooting

Mass shootings are difficult to quantify because no federal definition exists.

Intimate partner violence

Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a serious public health issue that occurs in romantic relationships between people who may or may not live together.


Unintentional firearm injuries

According to the CDC, unintentional firearm injuries result from being shot by a firearm without evidence of intentional harm.

Firearm homicide

Firearm homicide can be prevented.

Youth firearm injury and violence

Youth firearm violence includes any injury or death due to firearms, including suicide, homicide and community violence, school/mass shootings, teen dating violence, and unintentional injury.

Office of Gun Violence Prevention Newsletter

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