The State Tobacco Education and Prevention Partnership (STEPP) is a collaborative partnership between the state program and the grantee projects.
Strategic Planning
CDPHE’s Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention (HPCDP) Branch and STEPP are proud to share the 2030 Tobacco Strategic Plan. CDPHE maintains a strong commitment to health and racial equity as a foundation for all the work we do. Our vision is to eliminate tobacco use and all tobacco-related disparities in Colorado. Advancing health and racial equity through programmatic and policy efforts is our North Star. Our mission is to lead with justice to advance strategies that allow every Coloradan to have equitable access to opportunities to be healthy, to thrive, and to live a tobacco-free life, regardless of who they are and where they live.
Grant funding
- Tobacco education, prevention, and cessation grant program webpage
- State Tobacco Education, Prevention, and Cessation Grants Program (STEPP) (STEPP) FY 24-26 Funding Portfolio and Grantees (PDF)
- Tobacco funding opportunities webpage
About the Tobacco Grant Program
The Tobacco Grant Program was created by Colorado Revised Statute Section 25-3.5-804 to "provide funding for community-based and statewide tobacco education programs designed to reduce initiation of tobacco use by children and youth, promote cessation of tobacco use among youth and adults, and reduce exposure to secondhand smoke."
- Amendment 35
- In 2004 Colorado voters approved Amendment 35, a tax increase on cigarettes and other tobacco products. The revenue was designated for health care services and tobacco education to improve the health of all Coloradans.
- Quit Tobacco
- Resources and information that can help you or your loved ones quit.
- Resources for health care providers treating tobacco use
- Tobacco cessation and prevention resources, and information that can be used by health care professionals of all kinds.
Tobacco Grant Program Review Committee
The Tobacco Review Committee oversees the strategic planning and funding recommendations for the Tobacco Education, Prevention, and Cessation Grant Program.
- Tobacco Review Committee meeting schedules, members, resources and information are available on the website.
Order template marketing materials provides tobacco grantees with free, customizable marketing materials that can be tailored for use in your community. Templates include
- print ads
- brochures
- radio scripts
- social media graphics
- signage
- promotional items
Resources and information
Tobacco use remains the most preventable cause of disease, disability, and disease in Colorado, killing more than 5,000 Coloradans each year. This State of Tobacco Prevention in Colorado infographic describes the decline in cigarette smoking, the increase in e-cigarettes, and the disparities that burden those most addicted to tobacco.
- Tobacco data and reports
- The Tobacco data and reports webpage has information on tobacco work in Colorado and the U.S.
- Tobacco Free Colorado website
- Support to quit tobacco: The journey to be tobacco-free starts here
- Keep Youth and Young Adults Tobacco-Free including:
- Protect People and the Environment
- Policy Solutions to Protect Health and Save Lives