The Tobacco Review Committee oversees the strategic planning and funding recommendations for the Tobacco Education, Prevention and Cessation Grant Program.
Currently accepting applications
The Tobacco Grant Program, on behalf of the Colorado Board of Health, is currently seeking professionals to serve on the statutorily mandated Review Committee in the following position:
- Representative of a statewide nonprofit organization with demonstrated expertise in and commitment to tobacco control.
All applicants must submit:
- An application form.
- Resume or curriculum vitae.
- Statement of interest.
- A brief biography.
- Letter of support/recommendation.
The application deadline is September 20, 2024, 1-4:30 p.m. Applicants who reside outside of the Denver metro area and particularly in rural areas of the state are strongly encouraged to apply. Please see the vacancy announcement and application form for more details.
Next committee meeting
- Meeting materials (Google Drive folder)
The July Tobacco Review Committee meeting has been cancelled.
The next meeting will be Friday, August 16, 2024, 1-4:30 p.m.
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Meeting information
The committee meets on the third Friday of each month from 1 to 4:30 p.m. Committee meetings are open to the public.
Funding Opportunities
- Learn more about funding opportunities.
About the review committee
The committee is a 16-member working advisory board that develops funding priorities, reviews grant applications and makes recommendations to the Board of Health for the grant program.
Volunteer members are appointed by the Board of Health, the Legislature and our executive director, and serve a three-year term.
The Tobacco Education, Prevention and Cessation Grant Program Review Committee was created in 2005 by Amendment 35 (House Bill 05-1262) with the responsibility for “ensuring that program priorities are established consistent with the Colorado tobacco prevention and control strategic plan, overseeing program strategies and activities, and ensuring that the program grants are in compliance with Section 25-3.5-805” of the Colorado Revised Statutes. (CRS 25-3.5-804 (5)).
Amendment 35
For questions about the Tobacco Review Committee, please email