CACFP Information for Emergency Shelters


Benefits for Emergency Shelters

Who does CACFP serve in emergency shelters?

  • All children 18 years and younger living in emergency shelters.
  • Adults who are 19 years of age or older with documented disabilities who reside in an emergency shelter.

Which emergency shelters are eligible for CACFP?

  • A 501-c3 nonprofit.
  • Emergency shelters that provide temporary residence to children and their parents or guardians.
  • Day shelters that do not provide overnight care can participate in CACFP however, before a day shelter operates the CACFP the state office must have assurances that the shelter is a legitimate provider of services to homeless children, and that it is able to certify that the children who receive meals and snacks are residents of emergency shelters.

Why apply to CACFP?

For emergency shelters, participation in CACFP:

  • Helps cover the cost of three meals or two meals and a snack per child each day.
  • Offers nutrition education and professional development opportunities for shelter staff.
  • Can support the cost of staff responsible for carrying out the CACFP program.

For children, participation in CACFP:

  • Exposes them to new, healthy foods.
  • Provides healthy meals so they can learn, thrive, and be curious about the world around them. 
  • Supports their social skills and language development during meal time.

For families, participation in CACFP:

  • Supports the healthy development of their children during the critical early years.
  • Allows family members to eat and prepare meals together.

Emergency Shelter Printable Brochure in English.


How to Apply

If you're interested in starting the CACFP application process, please fill out the intake form. CACFP staff will review your intake form and contact you.

Interested in enrolling under a sponsor? Get in touch with a sponsoring organization.