In-person training
This year, the Colorado Food Program (CFP) team is excited to announce a variety of virtual and in-person training opportunities throughout Colorado. Whether you are a new or seasoned participant, these training sessions provide valuable information and resources to support the success of running CFP at your institution. As USDA regulations continue to evolve, it is essential for staff to stay informed about the latest requirements. All trainings include lecture-style and interactive activities focusing on all aspects of the CFP including recordkeeping and meal patterns.
As a reminder, self-paced learning modules are available on the CO.Train website. Please see the section below titled "Online Training" for more information.
The FY2025 Training Information and Opportunities document allows you to explore previously recorded training and includes a list of upcoming sessions and our most common resources. You may also register for upcoming training sessions using the training calendar which includes dates, times, and registration links. If you need assistance or have any training-related questions, please email our Training Coordinator, Natalie Ostrander.
Training Calendar
Online training
CO.TRAIN offers self-paced, online Colordo Food Program training for institutions. This is a five-part series that meets your Colorado Food Program Training requirement for participating institutions. These modules are designed to provide an alternative form of training and education to institutions and individuals who are unable to attend our in-person State training, institutions that want to train their staff on specific Colorado Food Program topics, and new institutions looking to participate in the Colorado Food Program.
- Learn more on the CO.TRAIN website
On the PDIS website, you'll be joining other early care and learning professionals throughout Colorado to complete training, apply for credentials and qualifications, and more.
PDIS Training Courses
- Introduction to the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) (1 hour) outlines what the CACFP is and the financial and nutritional benefits to early care programs and families. It also walks the learner through a preliminary Eligibility Checklist to determine if your early care program may be eligible to participate and describes the next steps.
- This course is also available in Español (Spanish):
- Introducción al Programa de alimentos para el cuidado de niños y adultos (CACFP) (1 hora)
- Introducción al Programa de alimentos para el cuidado de niños y adultos (CACFP) (1 hora)
Future discussions
At the Table is an open forum discussion created to engage and collaborate with institutions that work in Colorado communities. These virtual discussions allow the CFP team to learn more about barriers, opportunities, and possible solutions, and consider customer input.
- Use the Colorado Food Program at the Table Google Form to submit future At the Table suggestions.
Discussion archive
- 2023
- What to expect during a Colorado Food Program review. (mp4)
- February 2023
- What to expect during a Colorado Food Program review. (mp4)
- 2022
- Colorado Food Program waivers. (mp4)
- June 2022
- Recertification. (mp4)
- September 2022
- Colorado Food Program waivers. (mp4)
Adult Day Care Training
- Feeding Infants Requirements Training Recording. (mp4)
- February 20, 2025
- Meal Pattern Requirements Recording. (mp4)
- January 30, 2025
- Recordkeeping Requirements Recording. (mp4)
- January 28, 2025
- Adult Day Care Training - Requirements. (mp4)
- April 27, 2023
- Infant Training. (mp4)
- Colorado Food Program Fiscal Training. (mp4)
- Grain-ounce Equivalent Training. (mp4)
- Sponsor of Centers (SOC's) Training. (mp4)
- Colorado Food Program Income Eligibility Form (IEF) Training. (mp4)
Bits and Bites Newsletter
Bits and Bites is the monthly newsletter published by the Colorado Food Program. It contains important updates on nutrition guidelines, meal planning tips, and upcoming training opportunities for childcare providers. Subscribers can also find delicious and healthy recipes to try out in their kitchens.
Training available in English and Spanish
- Civil Rights and Self-study Training Guide in English. (PDF)
- Civil Rights and Self-study Training Guide in Español (Spanish). (PDF)
- Supplemental Civil Rights Guide for Directors in English. (PDF)
- Supplemental Civil Rights Guide for Directors in Español (Spanish). (PDF)
- Applying Your Civil Rights Knowledge in English. (PDF)
- Applying Your Civil Rights Knowledge in Español (Spanish). (PDF)
- Staff Training Sample Template. (PDF)
- How-to complete the monthly roster. (YouTube video)
- Monthly Roster Form. (PDF)
- How-to complete the sign-in and sign-out records. (YouTube video)
- How-to complete and use "Records of Meals Served" (ROMS). (YouTube video)
- How-to complete and use the "Income Eligibility Forms" (IEFs). (YouTube video)
- CDPHE Annual Colorado Food Program Training for Child Care Centers Slides. (PDF)
- Colorado Food Program Meal Planner Nutrition Training. (PDF)
- Colorado Food Program Meal Pattern Training Slides.(USDA Food and Nutrition Service website)
- Colorado Food Program Meal Patterns in English. (CO TRAIN website)
- Colorado Food Program Meal Patterns in Español (Spanish). (CO TRAIN website)
- Colorado Food Program Meal Patterns in Русский (Russian). (CO TRAIN website)
- Colorado Food Program Meal Patterns in العربية (Arabic). (CO TRAIN website)