RFA #41534 FY24 Community-Led Change to Eliminate Tobacco-Related Disparities Among Black/African American Coloradans


FY24 Community-Led Change to Eliminate Tobacco-Related Disparities Among Black/African American Coloradans

Grant Funding Announcement

On March 15, 2023, the Tobacco Education, Prevention, and Cessation Grants Program at the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment’s Prevention Services Division released a Request for Applications (RFA) #41534 to fund a community-led approach to address commercial tobacco-related inequities. The purpose of the STEPP RFA #41534 is to fund innovative approaches to address commercial tobacco-related inequities among Black/African American populations in Colorado.

Data from 2001 through 2018 in Colorado show that the populations experiencing the most tobacco-related harm are Black/African American, American Indian/Alaska Native, LGBTQ+ communities, Coloradans who live in rural areas, people with Medicaid health coverage, and people with behavioral and mental health conditions.

As described in the 2030 Commercial Tobacco Control Strategic Plan, our vision is to eliminate tobacco use and all tobacco-related disparities from Colorado. Advancing health and racial equity through programmatic and policy efforts is our North Star. Our mission is to lead with justice to advance strategies that allow every Coloradan to have equitable access to opportunities to be healthy, to thrive, and to live a tobacco-free life, regardless of who they are and where they live.

CDPHE maintains a strong commitment to health and racial equity as a foundation for all the work we do. Our vision is that every Coloradan has equitable access to opportunities to thrive regardless of who they are or where they live. Advancing health and racial equity through programmatic and policy efforts is our highest priority. The State Tobacco Education, Prevention and Cessation Grant Program (STEPP) is a collaborative partnership between the state program and the grantee projects.

Approximately $300,000 annually is available through this RFA. The funding cycle for this RFA is for state fiscal years 2024-2026 (July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2026). STEPP anticipates awarding grants for a three-year grant period. STEPP reserves the option to shorten or extend awards.

Submission Information

All applications must be submitted via a completed Google form with the following components (see the RFA document for more information):

  1. Application Executive Summary
  2. Application Narrative
  3. Budget and Budget Justification 
  4. Project Implementation Plan 
  5. CDPHE RFA Cover Sheet and Signature Page 
  6. Application Information Form 
  7. Financial Risk Assessment Questionnaire

Google application form

RFA document

Download all RFA documents here


The deadline to apply is April 6, 2023, at 5 p.m.


Who should apply

Organizations that represent and serve the Black/African American population in Colorado and have commercial tobacco control experience and expertise.

According to §25-3.5-803(2) C.R.S., nonprofit/not-for-profit organizations, public or governmental entities, political subdivisions of the state, educational institutions, and non-for-profit private sector organizations are eligible to apply for funding interventions listed in this Request for Applications.


Questions and Answers

Applicants may submit written questions via this STEPP RFA #41534 Inquiry Form to obtain clarification of requirements concerning this RFA. All inquiries must be submitted through the form and applicants should identify questions with the following information:

  • Section,
  • page number, and 
  • paragraph number the question applies to.

No questions will be accepted after 5 p.m. on March 30, 2023.

Answers to application questions will be posted here as outlined in the schedule below by the close of business on the date indicated. Applicants are not to rely on any other statements that alter any specification or any other term or condition of the RFA.


Schedule of Activities Time (MDT) Date

RFA published on STEPP Funding Opportunities webpage.



Deadline for applicants to submit written inquiries. Submit all inquiries per guidance published on STEPP Funding Opportunities webpage.

** No questions will be accepted after this date/time**

5 p.m.


Answers to written inquiries and any changes to the RFA published on STEPP Funding Opportunities webpage.

12 noon 3/31/2023
Application submission deadline 5 p.m. 4/6/2023
Evaluation period N/A 4/7/2023-4/15/2023
Estimated notification of award N/A 4/19/2023
Estimated contract effective date N/A 7/1/23

Additional Questions

Contact us with questions about the funding application process at cdphe_a35grantreviewcommittees@state.co.us.