Bureau of Labor Statistics Survey of Occupational Injuries and Illness (BLS SOII)



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What is The Survey of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses (SOII)? 

The Survey of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses (SOII) is a nationwide survey of work establishments that is used by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) to determine state and national estimates of the number, rate, and characteristics of non-fatal work-related injuries and illnesses. In Colorado, the SOII data collection is a cooperative effort between BLS and the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE).

The SOII is a separate program from the OSHA Electronic Submission of Injury and Illness Records program. The survey team at CDPHE that collects Colorado SOII responses is part of the Occupational Health and Industrial Hygiene Unit (OHIHU) within the Health Equity branch in the Division of Disease Control and Public Health Response. CDPHE is barred by federal law from sharing the survey responses with anyone who is not a BLS agent, including state and federal OSHA programs. SOII also provides detailed information, including demographic data, for cases that involve one or more days away from work or restricted time due to the nature and severity of a work-related injury. It is considered the gold standard for data related to workplace safety and can be used by public health in Colorado at different levels to support related grant applications, requests for applications, and requests for proposals.

Federal laws require employers that are selected to participate in SOII to do so. Federal law prohibits BLS from sharing the SOII data with OSHA- submitting data to OSHA does not exempt employers from submitting to BLS, and OSHA exempt establishments must still participate in the BLS survey if selected. 

Why Should I Participate in this Survey? Who Uses This data?

Your participation is critical to the quality and accuracy of our statistics. The survey is the only state-based, comprehensive measure of work-related injuries and illnesses in American workplaces - as such, it is relied on by employers, employees, public policy makers and researchers in their efforts to protect the American workforce and maintain its high level of productivity. 

The survey uses a scientific sampling approach to select employers to represent all industries and all sizes of establishments. This sampling approach relies on substantial cooperation from those establishments that are selected to participate to maintain the quality and accuracy of this statistical series.

How to Report Case Circumstances:

SOII use five classifications to describe each incident that led to a serious nonfatal injury or illness or a fatal injury:

  • Nature of injury or illness are the physical characteristics of the disabling injury or illness, such as cuts and lacerations, fractures, sprains and strains, or electrocution
  • Part of body affected is the part of body directly linked to the nature of injury or illness cited, such as finger, arm, back, or body systems
  • Event or exposure is the manner in which the injury or illness was produced or inflicted, such as caught in running equipment; slips, trips, or falls; overexertion; or contact with electrical current
  • Primary source is the object, substance, exposure, or bodily motion that was responsible for producing or inflicting the disabling condition, such as machinery, ground, patient, or electrical wiring
  • Secondary source is the object, substance, or person, if any, that generated the source of injury or illness or that contributed to the event or exposure, such as ice or water that contributed to a fall

It is important to be as specific as you are able when reporting on the case circumstances. If you have questions regarding reporting requirements or concerns around employee privacy, please email  Please note that confidentiality is our top priority; to read the BLS Confidentiality Pledge, click here.

Exhibit 2 is an illustrative example of how SOII may use OIICS codes to describe the case circumstances of an injury or illness incident:

case circumstances chart


Nature: 1311 Amputation

Part: 4420 Finger(s), fingernail(s), unspecified

Event: 6410 Caught in running equipment or machinery, unspecified

Primary source: 3560 Presses, except printing, unspecified

Secondary source: 9110 Clothing, unspecified