Data and evaluation related to children and youth with special health care needs

The Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs Section uses data, evaluation and research to make decisions about what’s working and what’s not, identify process improvements and guide the overarching strategic direction of our work.

2020 COVID-19 survey specific to CYSHCN

A COVID-19 survey specific to CYSHCN was conducted in 2020.  If you would like survey results,  please send an email to cdphe.psmchreports@state.co.us using the subject line: COVID-19 Infographic.


Issue briefs, journal articles, and publications related to medical home and/or children and youth with special health care needs:

Note: If you’re looking for data or publications earlier than 2017, please contact us.


Community inclusion in Colorado

Children and youth with special health care needs

Population Estimates by County 2022 (Ages 0-25)

New in 2024

Population estimates of Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs (ages 0-25) data have been integrated into a CYSCHN specific tab on the Community Inclusion in Colorado website. This information is now part of the Early Child Care and Disability Resources database and provides information about:

  • CYSHCN work, 

  • HCP Care Coordination, and 

  • Information and Referral services for the CYSHCN population.

This information will allow internal and external audiences to access information about different types of services and resources in one place. Those who will benefit include:

  • staff at the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE), 

  • Local Public Health Agencies (LPHA), 

  • community members, 

  • families of Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs, 

  • and other representatives.


The Community Inclusion in Colorado maps

The Community Inclusion in Colorado maps (CICOmaps) were created by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment and University of Colorado Assistive Technology Partners to enhance current emergency preparedness and response planning and resources by making location-based community information easy-to-access. The maps include:

  • community demographics and functional characteristics at the census-tract (sub-county) level

  • the locations, service areas, and phone numbers of community providers and health care facilities