Infant and child health

Young children in car with seatbelts

Infant and child health


Oral health for children

Cavity Free at Three, Smart Mouths Smart Kids, oral health info.


Child fatality prevention

Legislative reports, types of deaths, data and reports, partnerships.



School-based health centers

Health care for children and young adults.


Essentials for childhood project

Creating safety, maintaining stability, and nurturing behaviors are three critical qualities of all relationships and environments that make a difference for children as they grow and develop. 

Children and youth with special health care needs

  • Ensuring that children and youth with special health care needs have the opportunity to grow, learn and develop to their highest individual potential. 

Maternal and child health

  • Programs that focus on children and youth with special health care needs (CYSHCN) and early childhood obesity prevention.

Car seat safety

  • Data and other resources