Physical therapy or speech therapy pathology services


Patients are people in need of physical therapy, occupational therapy or speech pathology services for whom services will improve, restore and/or compensate for loss of functioning following illness or injury.

Services include:

  • Physical therapy (PT) provides diagnosis and treatment of impairments, functional limitations, disabilities or changes in physical function and health status.
  • Occupational therapy (OT) provides treatment to improve or restore functions that have been impaired (or permanently lost or reduced) because of illness or injury, to improve the individual's ability to perform tasks required for independent functioning.
  • Speech-language pathology (SLP) provides diagnosis and treatment of speech and language disorders that result in communication disabilities or swallowing disorders.
  • PT/OT/SLP providers may be a rehabilitation agency, clinic or public health agency:
  • Rehabilitation agency means a provider of multidisciplinary integrated services by a team of specialized rehabilitation personnel.
  • Clinic means a group practice of three or more physicians providing outpatient services.
  • Public health agency is a state or local government agency responsible for maintaining population health by providing environmental health and preventive medical services.
  • A PT/OT/SLP provider may deliver services on its own premises or on the premises of another provider, such as a hospital or nursing facility.

Professional staff who are routinely available will depend largely on services provided. Usually physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, speech pathologists, occupational therapists, physical therapists can be on staff.