Find and Compare the Facilities We Regulate - Inspection Results and Occurrence Summaries
The dashboard below will allow you to search for and view the results of any inspection conducted within the previous 3 years for any healthcare provider currently licensed by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, state-certified by the Colorado Health Care Policy and Finance or federally certified by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Inspection results will include any citations identified during those inspections, the regulation text outlining the requirements or practice(s) to be met, as well as the plan of correction submitted by the provider indicating how the citation was remedied.
You will also be able to view all occurrence results submitted within the last 3 years. An occurrence can be a number of different events that are self-reported by healthcare providers. If you would like more information regarding what types of events qualify as an occurrence, please feel free to review the Occurrence Reporting Manual.
If you need additional instruction on how to use the dashboard to find inspection results and/or occurrences, hover your cursor over the help (?) icon below.
Medicare Comparison Websites
These sites only contain data on Medicare facilities.
- Dialysis facility compare.
- Home health compare.
- Hospice compare.
- Hospital compare.
- Hospital report card.
- Nursing home compare.
Medicare Comparison Site
Can't find the facility or information you are looking for? Complete a Find and Compare Facilities Request, by clicking on the button on the right.