Facility Guidelines Institute (FGI)

Currently Adopted Edition: 2018


Request an FGI Plan Review 


Required Questionnaire for Assisted Living Residence Initial License FGI Plan Review 

Email FGI questions to fgireview@state.co.us.

The Facility Guidelines Institute or FGI is an independent, nonprofit organization that works to develop guidelines for designing and building hospitals, outpatient facilities, and residential health, care, and support facilities. FGI oversees the revision process and publication of the "FGI Guidelines for Design and Construction of Health Care Facilities" document. The Institute also funds research and offers resources to help develop safe health and residential care environments.

The "FGI Guidelines for Design and Construction of Health Care Facilities" is a national standard document that provides minimum standards for the planning, design, and construction of health facilities to ensure patient safety and functionality. FGI works with many organizations to develop the guidelines and other practical publications that use the best available research evidence.


In an effort to provide Colorado's healthcare administrators and design professionals with as much support as possible, the FGI Plan Review and Safety Services team now offers quarterly on-line news and Q&A sessions.  This hour-long session occurs once every three months and provides CDPHE FGI team news as well as a forum for Colorado's healthcare administrators and design professionals to get their questions answered by the FGI team.  

If you have not yet participated in one of our quarterly meetings and would like to do so please email your name and email address to FGIreview@state.co.us and we will happily add you to the mailing list.  We typically send out a reminder email about a week prior to the upcoming quarterly meeting.

FGI Basics for Health Facilities 

FGI Plan Review Frequently Asked Questions 

FGI Project Queue - This page is under construction and is inoperable at this time.

FGI Clarification - ALR Corridor Definition

FGI Formal Interpretations (Including Radiused Corners on Patient Bed Clearances) 

FGI Functional Program Basic Information 

Where to access your own copy of the FGI Guidelines

  • You can view the Guidelines free of charge by arranging to come to our offices at 4300 Cherry Creek Drive South in Denver.  Please email the team at FGIreview@state.co.us if you wish to arrange a time to come in and view the Guidelines