Resources for chemicals from firefighting foam and other sources


There is a group of chemicals found in toxic firefighting foam and other sources, known as PFAS. Learn more about these chemicals below.


Drinking water

In-home water treatment system

In-home treatment information sheet

Minnesota Study for point of use systems

New York Guidance on point of use systems 

Get your water tested

A searchable list of accredited laboratories (search by method: 537.1 or 533) is available through the National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Conference (NELAC). 

List of EPA-certified labs that likely test for PFAS- call the lab to confirm. 

General water information

American Water Works Association website on PFAS and water

CDPHE web page with information about drinking water and public water system


Project-specific materials

2020 Discharge Permit Survey

Survey questions.

A spreadsheet of all survey responses.

A spreadsheet of facilities that reported storing or using AFFF or Class B firefighting foam, other PFAS chemicals, have reported PFAS passthrough, or have detectable limits of PFAS in their discharge.  

A public google folder with the supporting documents that permittees submitted with their survey. 

Several charts summarizing and grouping the data. 

Additional resources for permittees:

Map of results 

  • This map shows the locations of facilities that reported on the PFAS survey that they: use or store AFFF or Class B firefighting foam or other PFAS-containing materials; are within proximity to where AFFF is likely used; and/or have potential PFAS passing through their wastewater treatment plant. 

  • The locations of the facilities are based on the latitude and longitude coordinates listed on their department permits. This may not reflect the actual location of the facility or permit location. For example, the municipal storm sewer permit usually covers the entire city area. The latitude and longitude may reflect the center of that area or is located near the permitted area.  To view more information about a particular facility, click on the marker. 

  • Note: ArcGIS software has a character limit on what can be displayed. Use this guide to understand what each row means when selecting a point to view more information about it. The character limit cuts off some of the words in longer responses submitted for the survey, but you can find the full responses on this spreadsheet of facilities with known or suspected PFAS presence.

2020 Sampling Project

The results are in - press release

Public water systems who applied 

Test results - public water systems, fire districts, and surface waters 

2020 PFAS Sampling Project Report

Stakeholder engagement

Narrative Policy Work Group meeting materials files

Certificate of Registration Program meeting materials


CDPS Dischargers

All dischargers - sampling guidance

State of Michigan sampling guidance:

Wastewater treatment plants - source investigation tools

State of Michigan Recommended PFAS Screening and Evaluation Procedures for IPPs

  • This document discusses known categories of PFAS sources to look for and includes questions you may want to ask your industrial sources.

September 30, 2020 Tools for WWTPs and PFAS Source Investigations webinar:

For more information, contact Jon Wallace at WQCD, jon.wallace@state.co.us; or Al Garcia, Pretreatment Coordinator, USEPA Region 8, garcia.al@epa.gov.

Dewatering permittees

Overview of PFAS requirements for dewatering






Tox-Call line

303-692-2606 | cdphe_toxcall@state.co.us

David Dani | Sampling Project Coordinator

303-692-3605 | david.dani@state.co.us


Region 8

303-312-6312 |  r8eisc@epa.gov