Milk Program

We regulate:

  • Fluid milk.
  • Butter.
  • Cottage cheese.
  • Cream.
  • Hard cheese.
  • Soft cheese.
  • Ice cream.
  • Sherbet.
  • Yogurt.
Milk bottle and glass

These products may may be produced by dairy product manufacturers or dairy farms. We inspect, regulate and sample all these foods, and enforce Colorado production and transportation rules. We collect all samples, inspect all facilities, respond to all complaints, review all labels and, when necessary, follow through with all enforcement actions. We provide technical assistance and industry training, and evaluate hauling and manufacturing processes to ensure safe and wholesome milk products for immediate consumption and further distribution. We work to protect the public from the spread of foodborne illnesses from contaminated milk and dairy products made with cow, goat or sheep milk.



For invoicing questions

303-692-3645, option #4

Educational and nutritional information

Dairy MAX