Hemp approved source list | Registration process | Resources | Frequently asked questions | Contact
Hemp manufacturing is allowed in Colorado. Operators who manufacture foods, dietary supplements, or cosmetic products containing hemp must be able to demonstrate that the hemp ingredient comes from an approved source, conforms to the standard of identity established in statute, and meets the thresholds for THC. The State Health Department’s Hemp Program regulates and inspects all hemp manufacturing operations in Colorado. Hemp farms are licensed and regulated by the Colorado Department of Agriculture, once the crop leaves the farm it is this department’s responsibility to oversee the manufacturing, packaging, warehousing, and distribution of hemp products. This includes extractions, any additional processing, and the relabeling or repackaging of all hemp containing food, supplement, and cosmetic products.
Colorado Hemp Products and Safe Harbor Hemp Products Regulations
6 CCR 1010-24, Adopted by the Board of Health on November 15, 2023; effective, January 14, 2024.
Registration process
All hemp and safe harbor hemp facilities need to submit an annual registration application to renew their registration. Due to the change in legislation renewals will no longer be possible. Safe harbor hemp applications will also need the attestation as well as the third party audit mailed in with the application.
- All applications require a non-refundable $100.00 application fee, payable by check or money order. We cannot accept cash.
- Please send the application fee only when submitting an application.
- Applications will be processed by the department. Then we will provide you with an invoice for the remaining registration fee, payable by check or money order. We cannot accept cash.
- Once you pay the remaining registration fee, we will issue your registration for your facility.
Hemp registration application guidance
Hemp and safe harbor hemp product manufacturers and warehouses now require an annual application to register. If making hemp and safe harbor hemp products you will need two applications.
Registration is specific to the owner and location. It is not transferable or prorated. If you started a new business, there is a change of owner or if the physical address of the facility changes, please submit a new application and fee.
CDPHE does not register operations that are producing marijuana infused products. You need to contact the Department of Revenue, Marijuana Enforcement Division.
How to update your contact information
If the physical address of the facility and the owner did not change and you need to update your contact information (mailing address, email, phone number, trade name), please fill out the contact information change form.
Hemp products that are in compliance and manufactured by CDPHE-registered facilities can now be sold at retail marijuana facilities. For more information, please see the 2020 Department of Revenue compliance tip "Hemp Product," dated May 20, 2020.
For all questions and information about hemp farming and testing of hemp crops, please visit Colorado Department of Agriculture Hemp Program web page.
303-692-3645, option 2
For invoicing questions
303-692-3645, option 4